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Where will the paycheck come from in retirement?
You know the source of your income today. But where will the paycheck come from in retirement? The money you live on in retirement will probably come from your pension, Social Security, personal savings and part-time work. Only one-third of Americans are saving what they’ll need to reach their retirement savings goal. If you’re relying solely on your work pension to fund your retirement years, get ready to take a pay cut. Most pensions weren’t designed to replace 100% of your working income. Today it’s up to you to make sure you’re putting enough away. So start saving today so the money will be there when you need it.

How much will you need for retirement? 
Experts suggest you will need approximately 65 – 85% of your current income to maintain your present lifestyle in retirement. If you want to increase your standard of living in retirement, you may even need more. While some expenses in retirement may drop such as job-related expenses and paying taxes, other expenses may increase.

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Asset Allocation

Stocks, Bonds, Annuities, CDs, Cash, Mutual Funds,

Banking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Real Estate

Retirement Planning

Estate Taxes, Funeral Expenses, Wills, Living Trusts, Inheritance guardian, Probate, Executor /Trustees, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Health Insurance, Whole Life Insurance, LTC

Education Planning

Cost Estimates, State Programs, Federal Programs, Financial Aid,

Grants, Educational Trust, Custodial Accounts, Tax Credits

Financial Planning

Budgeting, Company Benefits, Credit Scores & Reports, Debt Consolidation

Investment Counseling

Certified Professionals, Stock Brokers, Your Bank, Your Credit Union


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No-Obligation Rate Quote.

Where will the paycheck come from in retirement?

You know the source of your income today. But where will the paycheck come from in retirement? The money you live on in retirement will probably come from your pension, Social Security, personal savings and part-time work. Only one-third of Americans are saving what they’ll need to reach their retirement savings goal. If you’re relying solely on your work pension to fund your retirement years, get ready to take a pay cut. Most pensions weren’t designed to replace 100% of your working income. Today it’s up to you to make sure you’re putting enough away. So start saving today so the money will be there when you need it.

How much will you need for retirement?

Experts suggest you will need approximately 65 – 85% of your current income to maintain your present lifestyle in retirement. If you want to increase your standard of living in retirement, you may even need more. While some expenses in retirement may drop such as job-related expenses and paying taxes, other expenses may increase.

Your basic living expenses should stay the about the same.

You will still need transportation, to eat, pay utilities and maintain your home. But health care costs and medical expenses, on the other hand, will most likely increase.

To learn more, view the pages of this website and fill out our online rate quote form! You will receive a call from a certified financial planner to help you with your needs, free and with no obligation.

A financial advisor can ensure you’re saving enough to meet all your immediate and retirement needs. Find out what’s best for you and your retirement goals! Learn more about the different asset allocation types, explore the areas above and fill out our online form to find a certified financial advisor in your area.