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Financial Planning Wiz

Children: To tie bonds with another person, in front of family and God, to live as couple for ever more.


Do you have children under the age of 18? If so, you’ll want to read further and ask your self…. How would your children be affected by your and / or your spouse’s death? Would they still be able to go to college? Would they loose the home they live in? Most of all, if both your and your spouse were to pass away, who would take care of them? If your estates, guardianship guides and wills are not set up properly, your child could become a ward of the state. To most parents this is not acceptable. To make sure your children are taken care of in the manner in which you and your spouse describe, you will need to set up a will and a trust as well as appoint a “guardian”. A guardian is legally appointed in your will and estate paperwork.


A guardian is a person who will act in your place as parent when you pass away. Usually a guardian will only be appointed after both parents have died. However, there are certain circumstances where the surviving parent will not be legal guardian, but the is rare. The most important issue is the child’s health and welfare.


Who can you choose to be a guardian? Basically you can appoint one or more persons, related or not! However, be sure to fill out your will adequately, as well as a Guideline Guardians form(s). This will help assure your children how the person you want to take care of them. Family and friends may not agree, so have your legal paperwork in order.


This document (along with your will) will appoint a guardian for your children. This document will also contain instructions on what you want to happen for your children, including lifestyle issues like:

  • Health issues
  • Where they should live
  • Living standards
  • Schooling
  • Religious preferences
  • Who they can have (or not have ) contact with
  • Amount of involvement with the family


Basically, your will dictates who’s to take care of your child, as well as how your estate is to be handled in reference to your children. In other words, if you want them to inherit your home at age 21, or have your assets sold and the monies disperse to your children each month or go into a college fund or trust. There are many ways to protect and help your children even after your gone, so talk to a financial advisor today to find out what’s best for you, your spouse, and your children. Find out more – fill our form and find a financial advisor in your area.

Also see Wills, Living Trust and Education.

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