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MEDICAID: A Federal health insurance assistance program for individual or families with limited income.


Medicaid is a federally funded, state-run program that provides medical assistance for those with minimal assets. Medicaid will not start until you and your spouse have consumed all assets. This can be a true hardship on you and your family. And as far as salaries/pension/SSI monies, (yours and your spouse’s) must fall within set income limits.


Even though Medicaid is federally funded the services and eligibility requirements are determined by the state you live in and their resources or guidelines. Here’s a list of coverage types that MAY be covered:

  • Physician and dental services
  • Clinic and inpatient / outpatient hospital services
  • Laboratory and x-ray services
  • Care in a nursing home
  • Home health care services
  • Family planning services
  • Prenatal care services
  • Mental health care and psychiatric hospital care
  • Pediatric care services
  • Prescription drug coverage including medicine, medical equipment and supplies
  • Ambulance transportation (Emergency)
  • Optometrist services and eyeglasses
  • Transportation to doctor appointments, including public transportation, car mileage and special services.
  • Smoking cessation agents
  • Treatment and preventive health and dental care (doctors and dentists)
  • Family planning services
  • Early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment for children under 21 years of age under the Child/Teen Health Program
  • Some insurance and Medicare premiumsRehabilitation and physical therapy services.
  • Home and community-based care to certain persons with chronic impairments.

Typically Medicaid pays for the above items. However, certain expenses and coverage’s may not be covered due to certain criteria, such as:

  • You age
  • Financial situation
  • Family situation
  • Living arrangements


Medicaid does not cover or assist all poor persons. To be eligible you must fall into one of the areas below. Qualifications are different from state to state. You can qualify if: (you must meet one requirement below)

  • You have children under 6 and a limited income.
  • You are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
  • You’re a pregnant woman whose family income meets income requirements.
  • Your family’s assets are less than $2,000.
  • Recipients of adoption assistance or foster care assistance.
  • Special protected groups
  • All children under age 19, whose family meets income requirements.


Contact your local Department of Human Services, Social Security or Welfare office. When you go in for an interview, check and make sure what you will need to bring in with you, some circumstances may need additional paperwork. However, you will need (ATLEAST) the following:

  • Birth certificate
  • Citizenship proof
  • Proof of income
  • Paycheck stubs
  • Insurance policy
  • Bank Records
  • Medicare card (if applicable)
  • Insurance card


Title XIX of the Social Security Act is a Federal/State sponsored program that is designed to pay medical costs for certain designated families who happen to have low incomes/resources. So who is eligible for Medicaid? Eligibility includes people who are aged, blind, or disabled, along with certain people in families with dependent children. Although a Federal program, Medicaid is run by the states, which means that each state determines who is eligible and the range of health services offered. To find out if you qualify for Medicaid, go to today.

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